指称衔接 Referential Cohesion

指称衔接 Referential Cohesion

Referential cohesion refers to overlap in content words between local sentences, or co-reference. In the output for the current version of Coh-Metrix (Version 3.0), all of these indices are preceded by CRF to designate that they are co-reference measures. Co-reference is a linguistic cue that can aid readers in making connections between propositions, clauses, and sentences in their textbase understanding (Halliday & Hasan, 1976; McNamara & Kintsch, 1996). Coh-Metrix measures for referential cohesion vary along two dimensions. First, the indices vary from local to more global. Local cohesion is measured by assessing the overlap between consecutive, adjacent sentences, whereas global cohesion is assessed by measuring the overlap between all of the sentences in a paragraph or text. Additional information about the co-reference measures are provided below.

指称衔接指的是局部句子之间内容词的重叠,或共指。在当前版本的 Coh-Metrix(3.0 )的输出中,所有这些指数前面都有 CRF,以表示它们是共参照度量。共同参照是一种语言线索,可以帮助读者在理解文本时将命题、分句和句子联系起来(Halliday & Hasan, 1976; McNamara & Kintsch, 1996)。Coh-Metrix 对指称衔接的测量在两个维度上有所不同。首先,指标从局部到全局各不相同。局部衔接是通过评估连续、相邻句子之间的重叠度来衡量的,而整体衔接则是通过评估段落或文本中所有句子之间的重叠度来衡量的。下文提供了有关共同参照度量的更多信息。
