连接词 Connectives
Connectives play an important role in the creation of cohesive links between ideas and clauses and provide clues about text organization (Cain & Nash, 2011; Crismore, Markkanen, & Steffensen, 1993; Longo, 1994; Sanders & Noordman, 2000; van de Kopple, 1985). Coh-Metrix provides an incidence score (occurrence per 1000 words) for all connectives (CNCAll) as well as different types of connectives. Indices are provided on five general classes of connectives (Halliday & Hasan, 1976; Louwerse, 2001): causal (CNCCaus; because, so), logical (CNCLogic; and, or), adversative/contrastive (CNCADC; although, whereas), temporal (CNCTemp, CNCTempx; first, until), and additive (CNCAdd; and, moreover). In addition, there is a distinction between positive connectives (CNCPos; also, moreover) and negative connectives (CNCNeg; however, but).
连接词在建立观点和分句之间的衔接上发挥着重要作用,并为文本组织提供线索(Cain & Nash, 2011; Crismore, Markkanen, & Steffensen, 1993; Longo, 1994; Sanders & Noordman, 2000; van de Kopple, 1985)。Coh-Metrix 为所有连接词(CNCAll)以及不同类型的连接词提供了发生率得分(每 1000 个词的发生率)。提供了五类一般连接词的指数(Halliday & Hasan, 1976; Louwerse, 2001):因果(CNCCaus; because, so)、逻辑(CNCLogic; and, or)、对照/对比(CNCADC; although, whereas)、时间(CNCTemp, CNCTempx; first, until)和附加(CNCAdd; and, moreover)。此外,还有正连接词(CNCPos;也,此外)和负连接词(CNCNeg;然而,但是)之分。