情景模型 Situation Model
The expression situation model has been used by researchers in discourse processing and cognitive science to refer to the level of mental representation for a text that involves much more than the explicit words (van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983; Graesser & McNamara, 2011; Graesser, Singer, & Trabasso, 1994; Kintsch, 1998; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998). Some researchers have described the situational model in terms of the features that are present in the comprehender’s mental representation when a given context is activated (e.g., Singer & Leon, 2007). For example, with episodes in narrative text, the situation model would include the plot. In an informational text about the circulatory system, the situation model might convey the flow of the blood.
话语加工和认知科学的研究人员一直使用表达情境模型来指代文本的心理表征水平,它所涉及的远不止明确的词语(van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983; Graesser & McNamara, 2011; Graesser, Singer, & Trabasso, 1994; Kintsch, 1998; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998)。一些研究者在特定情境被激活时,根据理解者心理表征中存在的特征来描述情境模型(Singer & Leon, 2007)。例如,对于叙事文本中的情节,情境模型将包括情节。在关于循环系统的信息文本中,情境模型可能会表达血液的流动。